Will and estate planning refers to how your property is managed and distributed upon your death. Proper will and estate planning can spare your loved ones heartache when the time comes, as well as help ensure that your assets are distributed in a controlled and responsible way.

Wills are legal documents in which a person expresses their wishes on how their properties shall be distributed upon their death. Wills can be of various complexities, and can be utilised to achieve various family and tax objectives.

Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document giving one person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) the power to represent or act on another’s behalf in private affairs, business and other legal matters as stipulated in the document.

Family Provisions
Family provision claim is an application to the Court seeking adequate provision from a deceased person’s Estate. Our solicitors will explain the factors the Court can consider to approve the claim.

Trusts are legal agreements where a person (trustee) holds and manages property for the benefit of others in the agreement (beneficiaries).

Probate is the judicial process of proving and registering in Court the Last Will of a deceased individual as a valid public document that is the true testament of the deceased. Contact our law firm in Melbourne or Sydney if you are need of a probate lawyer to advise you on how to settle all the final affairs of the deceased.

In administration of an estate, the administrator is responsible to the court to ensure that the deceased person’s financial affairs are settled and the rest of the estate is distributed according to the instructions in the will.

In proper estate planning, you have to provide specific instructions to ensure your wishes are carried out after death. Mercantile Legal will assist you in drafting and creating your will so that you could control who receives what of yours.